a co-collaboration between Nana Schewitz and Josh Walker
Canada Tour 2024
Toronto // May 28 // Buddies In Bad Times
Vancouver // May 31 - June 2 // Dusty Flowerpot
Florida! Ya Kill Me! is a documentary project following Berlin-based 96-year-old drag queen Nana Schewitz on the journey back to her ancestral home of South Florida to find a slice of retirement paradise. As Nana retells her true experiences touring South and Central Florida’s most eclectic and glamorous retirement abodes, she begins to uncover the equally glamorous stories and lives that reside in these purpose-built palaces of paradise.
Part documentary, part travelog and part drag show - Nana takes her guests on a tour around the various retirement homes throughout Florida. As she meets fellow retirees, she encounters the joys, challenges, and struggles of these folks as they search for the best way to live out their days in Paradise. From purpose-built golf cart towns to some of the only LGBT+ focused retirement communities in the USA, these varied neighborhoods redefine what aging looks like. Can this fantasy last forever, or will the walls of paradise eventually crumble under their own weight?
Below is a trailer from the theatrical version of Florida! Ya Kill Me!
Premiere: Maxim Gorki Studio Я
04 September 2022
Upcoming: Vancouver and Toronto, Summer 2024